Customized AI Assistant


YOUR Software

Learn about UTA

There is a significant GAP between

Technology Explosion
Digital Divide

The technology is exploding but people are feeling confused.

Universal Task Assistant

Customized AI Assistant for Your software


Software Q&A

UTA's Software Modelling ability to comprehend the contents of your software system. It provides a chatbot to answer the user's query about the software accurately and efficiently.

"How do I find the latest HR forms in the company system?"

"What is the Finance department's latest report about?"

Admin Cost Saving Work Efficiency

Automatic Onboarding

UTA's Software Modelling ability to understand all the features of the software product. It generates step-by-step instructions to onboard the user for their interested features.

"What can this app do?"

"How to add a new contact in this app?"

User Retention User Experience

Task Automation

UTA's Vision-based Context Understanding ability to understand the screen in real-time to complete the user's tasks. It automatically plans the workflow and completes the task with step-by-step actions on the software.

"Schedule a meeting on Zoom while I am driving."

"Send an email to John to request a catch-up."

Work Efficiency User Experience

Tool Recommendations

UTA's User Intention Understanding ability to elicit the personalized needs of users. It recommends the most appropriate software tools and features based on their specific features to meet the user's needs.

"What local transport app that has detailed timetable and real-time delay information I can use for free in Sydney?"

"I am looking for some help with healthcare, anything this Uni Campus app can do?"

User Attraction User Experience

Use Cases

CSIRO - Company Website Assistant

UTA helps CSIRO to generate a built-in chatbot assistant to process user's queries based on the company system.

Tech-savvy Senior - Device Assistant for the Elderly

UTA work with the NSW Tech-savvy Senior Program to facilitate the elderly people to learn and use smartphones for their daily needs.

ANU OK Campus - App Assistant

UTA provides ANU OK with an non-intrusive overlay assistant to help user onboarding and daily useage.

Video demo of UTA for ANU OK

About Us

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